This advertisement strongly represents my brand identity on applied design. Both the clothing and the advertisements have strong composition that keep the viewers eye engaged. I wanted the clothing to represent my brand by having the main focus be the Damascus topographical pattern with the bright blue color from my logo. The Damascus pattern and colors are important to me because they showcase my interest in the design world from blade smithing to design in the gaming space I have used throughout my career as a designer.
I was inspired by many of the designs I helped create with the designers for 100 Thieves who have an established brand online with a similar pattern. I was also inspired by the videogames I play such as Call of Duty which now use more topographical maps for their backgrounds on many of their images, I used as references when researching.
When choosing what type of clothing for my advertisement. I wanted clothing I would actually wear. Clothing that would be both comfortable and cohesive with each merchandise piece I made, each had unity with the piece next to it. The three pieces I made me think of more to do like a zip up hoodie or an esports jersey.
The advertisements I wanted to showcase some of my best Photoshop skills in making designs that look real and can be. I first made the poster inspired by Faze Clan and 100 Thieves jerseys available now posters and created my own take on it. With a similar but different topographical pattern than the merchandise I wanted a background to accentuate the clothing, but it not get lost in the process. I choose the same color palette from my designs for the poster with big bright text to really get the viewers attention.
The poster can be applied virtually anywhere a poster can go to actual print in a magazine to online advertising. This made it easy to animate for a video advertisement for YouTubes new portrait orientation videos system YouTube Shorts. I took screen shots of actual YouTube Shorts advertisement from Optic Gaming another esports team to get the layout of my design. I edited out the advertisement and replaced it with my poster and used the same text Roboto that YouTube uses to be as accurate as possible. I first animated the background, so it is looking like a moving topographical map. Then I animated how I wanted the clothing to appear on screen rising up to there spot from left to right. Last I animated the text of available now and put the arrows point at is, so the viewer gets the message easily.
The technical focus was to make the advertisements look as professional as it would be found in the world. The Conceptual focus was to make sure it has unity with my brand the same Damascus topographical pattern and bright blue color. I am really proud of these designs and hope to print out the advertisements and merchandise.
Course: Graphic Design I
Date: 10/29/2022
JPG 576 x 792
GIF 720 x 1080
Date: 10/29/2022
JPG 576 x 792
GIF 720 x 1080